Do you know that moment after you finish a really, good book and suddenly your overwhelmed with sadness that it has to end? I mean, you knew all along that the book wouldn’t go on forever but you felt so connected with the characters that it’s almost like losing a good friend. That is the exact feeling that I had when I finished the series Tales of Goldstone Wood by Anne Elisabeth Stengl. These books so beautifully demonstrate the message of love, hope, forgiveness, and redemption through the amazingly complex and relatable characters.
These books are based in a fantasy world where dragons exist and the Christ-like figure is able to appear in different forms. He has the ability to come to the characters as a man but for most of the series he comes to them as a simple wood thrush. Right after I finished the series, I was at Joann Fabric and I saw a cute bird wood decoration that looked like a wood thrush but they wanted $20 for it! While standing on the aisle I said aloud my famous phrase “I bet I could make that” and made the lady standing beside me look at me like I had lost my mind! I immediately went to work researching how I could stencil a cute bird even though I had never stenciled before!
After doing some research online, I found the cutest bird stencil at Joann Fabric and after I used a coupon it was only $2, total win. Honesty time, I was extremely nervous to start stenciling my cute bird because for some reason I had it in my head that I couldn’t stencil. I’m happy to announce that I proved myself wrong and found that stenciling is actually a lot easier than I expected!
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What You Need!
- Stencil (I used a FolkArt stencil)
- Stencil Brush
- Acrylic Paint (I used FolkArt acrylic metallic paint)
- Painter’s or Masking Tape
- Paper Plates
- Paper Towels
- Nitrile Gloves (if you don’t want to get paint on your fingers)
- Media to Stencil (I used a wood coaster)
Tip! If you use masking tape make sure that you are very careful when pulling off the stencil. Masking tape tends to stick harder than painter’s tape and I ended up ripping the bird’s wing when I pulled the tape off.
What to Do!
To start this stenciled décor DIY project, tape down the stencil. Make sure to cover all areas that you don’t want paint on with tape.
Put a small amount of paint on the paper plate. Dab a little bit of paint onto stencil brush. Then tap most of the paint off the brush using the plate and paper towels. You want almost no paint on the brush while you stencil. Remember, it’s better to do multiple layers than putting too much paint and it bleed under the stencil.
Hold down stencil and tap the stencil brush on the areas you want painted. DON’T use regular brush strokes or you will having bleeding! Make sure to tap the brush in an up and down motion. I found it helpful to hold the stencil right beside where I was working. This ensures that you don’t have paint slip under the stencil.
Gently remove the stencil being careful to not smear the wet paint.
Proudly display your cute new bird decor!
See how easy this was? This is now my new favorite creative thing to do! I fell so in love with stenciling I even stenciled my dresser drawers to help me know the drawer placement! Now, it’s your turn to create super cute stenciled décor DIY projects!

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Are you visual? Watch me stencil this cute bird!
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