This little zippered coin purse is so handy to have around. I love this coin purse SO much. When I go riding on my bike this coin purse is so easy to slip into my bike bag. Also, it’s so little that you could put it in your pant pocket when you go to a concert or sporting event.
One year I made like 20 of these to give out as presents. So, I think I got the best response from this gift than any other gift I have ever given! What I love about this coin purse is that it doesn’t use very much material so you can get several out of a single yard of fabric. So, are you as excited as I am to make this cute coin purse?
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What You Need!
- Pearl Snap Fastener
- Quilting Cotton
- Lightweight Batting
- 7 Inch Zipper
- Lightweight Fusible Interfacing
- Matching Thread
- Free #9 ~ Zippered Coin Purse Printable Pattern ~ Available in The Pattern Stash! Head on down to the bottom of the page, fill out the form, and instantly receive an email with the password!
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
All sewing is done with a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
Important Info!
When printing the sewing pattern PDF make sure to adjust the print settings. After you click on the print button in the PDF the printer dialog box will come up. On this screen you want to change the default zoom page size to be Actual Size. If you don’t change this setting then the pattern will print smaller then intended (so sad!).
Are You A Visual Learner?
If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the zippered coin purse video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!
What To Do!
To begin the zippered coin purse you need to download the free pattern from The Pattern Stash and cut it out. Once everything is cut then take one of the tab pieces and iron the fusible interfacing to the wrong side of the fabric.
Then on one of the tab pieces draw a curve using disappearing ink.
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
So, pin the tab pieces together with right sides facing each other.
Then follow your drawn curve with your sewing machine to create the tab.
Next trim the seams of the tab with scissors.
Then turn the tab right side out using a plastic chop stick.
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
So, press the tab with iron.
Then take the Fabric A outside pocket piece and iron the fusible interfacing to the wrong side of the material.
Are You A Visual Learner?
If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the zippered coin purse video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!
So, take your binding piece and fold in half making the 6 inch sides touch. Press flat with iron.
Then open the binding that you just pressed.
So, take the two sides and fold them in towards the center. While folded towards center press with iron.
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
Then fold the binding flat and press with iron.
So, take the two pieces of the pocket and place them with wrong sides together.
Then open the binding and pin to the top raw edges of the pocket pieces.
Are You A Visual Learner?
If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the zippered coin purse video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!
Using a straight stitch sew the binding down to the two pocket pieces.
Then fold the binding over the raw edges of both pocket pieces and pin.
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
So, make sure that you catch the binding on the back of the pocket when you pin (see my pins at the bottom of the binding).
Using a straight stitch sew the binding down from the front side of the pocket.
Then take your finished pocket piece and pin it to the front piece of your outside fabric.
Sew down the pocket super close to the raw edges of the front outside piece. This will help it to not move as you sew the coin purse together.
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
Are You A Visual Learner?
If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the zippered coin purse video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!
Then take the finished front piece and fold it in half lengthwise.
Fold the tab in half and match up these two marks.
Then pin tab down to front outside piece.
So, lay one of the lining pieces right side up and place your zipper right side up with the pull facing the left. I know the zipper looks way too big for the coin purse but we will trim this down later.
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
Then lay your front outside piece on top of the zipper right side facing down.
Make sure that the outside piece is even with the lining piece or you have trouble later.
Are You A Visual Learner?
If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the zippered coin purse video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!
So, place one of your batting pieces right on top of the other pieces. Then pin your fabric sandwich together making sure to catch all the layers and tab. Make sure to move the original pin that was holding the tab to avoid hitting it with your machine.
While using a zipper foot, sew close to the zipper.
After that, this is what the finished first side will look like!
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
Then place the other lining piece right side up. So, place the zipper on the top edge of the lining. FYI! At this point both lining pieces will be facing each other right sides together.
Make sure that the edges of both lining pieces are lined up on the right and left sides.
Are You A Visual Learner?
If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the zippered coin purse video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!
So, place the other outside piece on top of the zipper right side facing down. Be sure to line up both outside pieces on the right and left sides.
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
The last piece of the sandwich is the batting. While using your zipper foot, sew the other side of the coin purse.
Unzip the zipper to the middle of the coin purse. If you forget this step you will become quick friends with your seam ripper! Also, it’s helpful to tuck the tab into the pocket.
Now take the outside pieces and lay them right sides together. Then lay the lining pieces right sides together. Make sure to pin the zipper on both sides of the coin purse so it doesn’t shift during sewing.
So, pin and sew the entire outside edge of the coin purse. Then leave a 2 inch opening in the lining so you can turn the coin purse right side out.
Once sewn, trim the seams to help reduce bulk.
Are You A Visual Learner?
If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the zippered coin purse video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!
So, turn the coin purse right side out.
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
Then press and pin turning hole in the lining.
Sew the turning hole closed. So, I like to go over this at least two times with my machine because it reinforces the seam.
Then press the coin purse with the iron.
So, use the instructions from the package to attach the pearl snap fastener to the tab. Lastly, press with iron once more!
Then your coin purse is now ready to be used or given!
Would you like a printer friendly PDF of the zippered coin purse tutorial that prints without ads? Then head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop!

Are You A Visual Learner?
If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the zippered coin purse video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!
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Want To Up Your Sewing Skills?
Are you ready to stop putting off sewing projects and gain confidence in sewing? This instant download digital book comes with over 50 pages of sewing knowledge to help you gain confidence in your sewing! Also included is 5 bonus printable sheets to help you keep your sewing projects and supplies more organized!
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Looks like a sweet project. Cant wait to make one or a dozen! Lol!
Once you make one you’ll want to make one for everyone in your family!
I just finished sewing the coin purse. & what a wonderful experience! I used just scraps really with interfacing too and I just love the end result. The instructions were complete and easy to follow. The pictures are a big plus for me. Thank you for the free pattern and tutorial. Oh BTW I can see why you made everyone you know one how gratifying for both the gift giver and receiver.
I’m so glad you liked the coin purse! It’s seriously my go to sewing pattern when I need a quick, cute gift.
Love this little pattern and am using old neckties for the fabric. Wish there were written instructions to go with the pattern.
That is going to be so cute! I’m glad you like the pattern.
I keep on signing up with my name and email, however I dont get a response in my email for a password
Thank you so much for letting me know! I have sent you an email with the password to The Pattern Stash. It’s coming from
Love your pattern
I’m so glad you like it!
Hello – signed up for the newsletter but no password came 🙁
I’m so sorry you’ve had issues! I’ve sent you an email with the password. It’s coming from
Password to get the coin purse
Hi Christine! To get the password you can sign up for the newsletter using any of the forms on this page or at
I thought the pattern said to make a small coin purse for the back of the main purse. The front of the purse looks like the photos but the back coin purse is not attached to the back of the main purse. Did I read the directions wrong? At this point I have to take it apart and remove the extra coin purse. I think you skipped a couple steps on the pattern.
Hi Margaret! I’m so sorry that you’re having trouble! Are you trying to make the zippered coin purse or the double pocket zippered coin purse?
Very cute
Thank you!
I want to PIN the tutorial for the Double Pocket Zipper Coin Purse and can’t find an active link. Can you help me out?
Thank you,
I’m sorry you’re having issues! You can go to and pin the tutorial directly.
What am I doing wrong? The tab is positioned correctly, tucked in the pocket throughout construction, but when I turn the completed purse right side out the tab is now on the opposite side of the zipper so that it now has to fold over the zipper then the pocket. I have reviewed both your blog instructions and the video and certain I’ve completed all the steps correctly.
Hi Deb,
I’m so sorry you’re having issues! You want to place your tab on the top raw edge on the right side of the front outside piece. Once your tab is centered on your outside piece lay your zipper right side down on top of the front piece and tab. If you look at the video at minute 14:12 I show how to place your tab and zipper. I hope this helps!
What are the finished diminsions for the zippered coin purse?
Hi! The finished dimensions are 5 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches.