Have you ever noticed that Captain America always makes the right decision? This is why I have always been on Team Captain America, especially when the Civil War movie came out (what was Tony even thinking?). If you are Team Iron Man then I’m really sorry but I have to tell you, you’re on the wrong side! Don’t get worked up about this I like Iron Man too and he really redeemed himself in later movies (especially in Avengers End Game).
The Captain is truly my favorite Avenger because his motivation is never selfish and is always for the good of everyone. My sister is also a HUGE Captain America fan! So, I thought wouldn’t it be a marvel (pun intended) if I could design a Captain America sequin Christmas ornament. Once I had finished the ornament I seriously giggled because I thought it was so cute!
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What You Need!
- 3 inch Foam Ball
- Dressmaker Pins Size #17 1 1/16 Inch
- Red Sequins 8 mm
- White Sequins 8 mm
- Blue Sequins 8 mm
- Red Seed Beads 10/0
- Clear Seed Beads 10/0
- Blue Seed Beads 10/0
- 5/8 inch Ribbon 7 ½ inch Long
- Decorative Pins
- (2) Iron On Fabric White Stars
- Free Printable Project Checklist Download ~ This is available simply by signing up for my email list! Head on down to the bottom of the page and fill out the form and…..BOOM you have your download!
What to Do!
The first step to make the Captain America Christmas ornament is to download the free printable project checklist which includes a shopping list! Once you have all of your supplies then center one of the fabric stars on one side of the foam ball.
Insert a pin that has a clear seed bead on it into each point of the fabric star.
Push down the pins being careful not to push them all the way in because the first blue sequin row will go under the star.
Push a blue sequin between each set of points of the fabric star. Put a pin that has a seed bead on it into each sequin.
Insert two blue sequins between each set of points of the fabric star making sure to fit the sequins as close to the star as possible.
Make a row of blue sequins and make sure that no white of the foam ball is showing even if you have to shimmy the blue sequins under the pins of the star points. Once finished with this row of sequins you can firmly push down the pins in the star.
Following the last row put down a row of red sequins.
Add a second row of red sequins.
Next is a row of white sequins.
To finish up the first side you will add one last row of white sequins. Make sure that every pin you insert has a seed bead on it before inserting it into the sequin!
Now that the first side is complete, repeat the above steps to create the other side of the foam ball. Make sure that you find the center of the second side before you start otherwise your rows will not match when you have finished!
Once you finish both sides add two rows of red sequins.
Lastly, cut your ribbon 7 1/2 inches long and attach to ornament using the decorative pins.
Tip! You might need to remove pins that are holding the sequins down under where you want to add the ribbon. Then the decorative pins will go flush into the foam ball.
WOO-HOO! The Captain America Christmas ornament is finished!
Now you can pat yourself on the back and enjoy your marvelous creation every Christmas for years to come! An added bonus is these make amazing gifts for the Marvel fans in your life!

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