I’ve worn glasses for quite some time now. And it never fails that as hard as I try to keep my lenses clean they never are. For some weird reason there is always a finger print or two on my lenses (shakes head). So, needless to say I always have lens cloths in my desk, nightstand, purse, and backpack. However, when I pull the lens cloth out of my purse or drawer they are inevitably dirty which makes them useless (so sad).
So, to alleviate some frustration with dirty lenses and lens cloths I decided to make a cover for them! This pattern is super easy to make and can be made entirely with what you have in your craft supplies. Seriously, it took me 30 minutes to cut and sew one of these little helpful lens covers. And…..now I can have both clean lenses and lens cloths (insert happy dance here)!
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What You Need!
- Quilting Cotton or Canvas Cotton
- Pinking Shears
- Lens Cloth
- Swivel Clasp
- Ribbon ~ Size depends on how wide the end of your swivel clasp is
- Matching Thread
- Free #43 ~ Eyeglass Lens Cloth Cover Printable Pattern ~ Available in The Pattern Stash! Head on down to the bottom of the page, fill out the form, and instantly receive an email with the password!
FYI! Instead of buying a swivel clasp and ribbon for this project look and see if you have a cheap lanyard from an event you’ve been to. That is exactly what I used for the metal hook and cord so this project cost me nothing to make!
All sewing is done with a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
Important Info!
When printing the sewing pattern PDF make sure to adjust the print settings. After you click on the print button in the PDF the printer dialog box will come up. On this screen you want to change the default zoom page size to be Actual Size. If you don’t change this setting then the pattern will print smaller then intended (so sad!).
What To Do!
To begin the eyeglass lens cloth cover you need to download the free pattern from The Pattern Stash and cut it out. Then take the Pattern B piece and fold it in half with wrong sides touching and press with iron.

Next, top stitch the folded side of the Pattern B piece.
Then take the Pattern A piece and fold in half with the wrong sides touching then press with iron.
Next, top stitch the folded side.
Then take the Pattern A piece and fold down 3/4 inch of the the side that you just top stitched and pin in place.
Next, cut your ribbon or cording 2 inches long and slide the swivel clasp on. Then put the raw edges of the cording in the middle of the bottom of the Pattern A piece. Make sure that you have the folded side of the Pattern A piece facing up like in the below picture.
Then lay the Pattern B piece on top of the swivel clasp and the Pattern A piece. The raw bottom edges of both pieces should be at the bottom touching. Then pin around the eyeglass lens cloth cover making sure to catch all layers.
Next, carefully remove the bottom needle and pin the lens cloth to the bottom. Notice how the lens cloth is facing the right after it’s pinned. This will ensure that it will easily come out of the cover after you have sewn it. Then sew down both sides and bottom of the eyeglass lens cloth cover. DO NOT sew across the top of the cover where the swivel clasp is in the below picture. Once sewn use pinking shears to trim the edges making sure to not cut the seams or the lens cloth.
Then flip your eyeglass lens cloth cover right side out and you are all set!
So, I made this little cute guy in both canvas and quilting cotton. Personally, I really liked the way the canvas one turned out compared to the quilting cotton one even though the fabric print was adorable!
Now wasn’t that super easy to make? And the best part is that if you have an unused lanyard and lens cloth laying around you could totally make this and not have to buy anything (total win)!

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Are you ready to stop putting off sewing projects and gain confidence in sewing? This instant download digital book comes with over 50 pages of sewing knowledge to help you gain confidence in your sewing! Also included is 5 bonus printable sheets to help you keep your sewing projects and supplies more organized!
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Interesting – followed through but the lens cloths I have are all far to big to fit. I will have another play but making the pouch at least half again bigger will be necessary. My smallest lens cloth is 6.5 inches square and the larger one is 7.5 inches. What size is yours?
Hi Ellen! If your lens cloths are too large you can always cut them down using pinking sheers. Of course you could also slightly increase the size of the case to accommodate your larger lens cloths. I hope this helps!