Fabric Pinecone DIY Fall Decor

Fabric Pinecone DIY Fall Decor

When I think of the fall season my mind is bombarded with iconic images such as pumpkins, leaves, and of course pinecones! So, when I was thinking about what fall crafts I wanted to make this year I decided I wanted to make something to do with a pumpkin and pinecones. My first fall project was the layered pumpkin mandala so the pumpkin was out of the way! However, I still wanted to do something with a pinecone so this project was perfect.

Now, I have made fabric ornaments in the past and have always thought it would be super cool to make a fabric pinecone. So, I found some foam eggs at Hobby Lobby and I started cutting squares! Pretty soon I had the cutest pinecone ever (at least in my opinion)! This easy no-sew fabric pinecone is the perfect iconic image to decorate your house during fall or add a ribbon and make it into a Christmas tree ornament.

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What You Need!

Supplies For Fabric Pinecone DIY Fall Decor

What To Cut!

Color A ~ Maroon Flowers

  • 53 ~ Pattern A

Color B ~ Tan Background

  • 56 ~ Pattern A
  • 1 ~ Pattern B

FYI! These squares can be cut with your Cricut cutting machine with the free SVG. However, if you don’t have a Cricut do not fear! There is also a printable version of this pattern that you can use to cut the squares the old fashioned way.

What To Do!

To begin the fabric pinecone you need to download the free SVG file or printable pattern from The Pattern Stash. If you choose the SVG then you need to upload it into the Cricut Design Space. Need help doing this? Check out my post How To Upload SVG Files to Cricut Design Space for step-by-step instructions! Once downloaded, cut all of the squares needed (refer to above for quantity). Once everything has been cut then take one of the squares from Color A and pin it on the center of the small side of the foam egg.

Add First Square In Center Of Small Side Of Egg

Place a pin in the center of the egg so you know where your first square should go.

Place A Pin In Center Of Square

Take a square of Color A and fold it in half.

Fold Square In Half

Then fold the square in half again. Now, I like to make sure that all of my folded sides of the squares are facing in the same direction. This is really just a personal preference and you totally don’t have to do it but I think it looks neater!

Fold The Square In Half Again

Place the first folded square on the egg with the folded tip touching the center pin. Then pin down on both raw sides of the square.

Place First Folded Square With Tip Touching Pin

Next, add a folded square on the opposite side of the first square. Make sure the tip of this square also touches the center pin.

Place Next Square Across From First Square

Then add the next two folded squares to complete the first round making sure their tips also touch the pin that marked the center. Remove the center pin.

Place The Last Two Squares Of Round One For Fabric Pinecone

Start round 2 by taking a folded Color B square and pinning it in the valley between two of the squares from round 1.

Add The First Square Of The Second Round

Then add three more folded squares into the valley of the other squares from round 1.

Place The Other Three Squares Onto Pinecone

Next, add four squares right on top of the squares from round 1. Then round 2 is complete.

FYI! Every round has 8 folded squares except for round 1.

Add The Last Four Squares Of Round Two

To begin round 3 add folded squares of Color A onto the squares from round 2 that you added first (the ones that you added in the valley of round 1).

Place The First Four Squares Of Round Three On The Bottom Square Of Previous Round

Then add four squares onto the top squares of round 2.

Place Remaining Squares Of Round Three For Fabric Pinecone

Now the rounds are going to be slightly different. To begin round 4 take a folded square of Color B and place in the valley of two of the squares from the previous round. For placement you want to make sure that the tip of the current square is just touching the intersection of the two squares from the previous round.

Add The First Square Of Round Four To The Area Between The Two Squares From Previous Round

Then going to the next valley of the two squares from the previous round add your next square. Continue this all the way around the egg.

Continue To Add Square Around Pinecone

For round 5 you are going to take your first folded square and pin in the valley of two squares from the previous round.

Add The First Square Of Round Five To Area Between The Two Squares From Round Four

Add the next squares in each valley of the previous round’s squares. Continue this pattern for next rounds until you have covered the entire egg. Make sure to alternate the fabric colors for each round!

Continue To Add Remaining Squares Around Pinecone

After you have finished all fourteen rounds the entire egg should be covered.

Continue Adding Rows For Fabric Pinecone

So, since the bottom of the pinecone isn’t quite pretty we are going to cover it. Take the square that you cut from Pattern B and press under all four edges of the square.

Press Bottom Square Edges Under

Next, take your decorative pins and pin each corner of the square. Make sure that you have covered all of the pins and raw edges of the last round. If you wanted to turn this into a Christmas tree ornament this is the stage that you could add some ribbon to it. All you need to do is cut 7 1/2 inches of your ribbon and attach to the pinecone using decorative pins. You can see how I did this for the Captain America ornament.

Pin The Bottom Square Over Raw Edges For Fabric Pinecone

Then you’re all done! You can go proudly show off your super cute pinecone in your house or on your Christmas tree!

Finished Fabric Pinecone DIY Fall Decor

Here is a pinecone that I made in four colors! Why you ask did I use four colors? Because I was trying to use only scraps to make it and I didn’t have enough of only two colors. However, I LOVE the way it turned out!

Fabric Pinecone DIY Fall Decor In Four Colors

So…….as you can see the easy no-sew fabric pinecone is super versatile because it can be made in several colors. And you could decorate your house with the fabric pinecone for fall and when Christmas comes slap a ribbon on it and use it as an ornament (total win!).

Corinne Name With Heart

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Fabric Pinecone DIY Fall Decor

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