Quilted Star Christmas Ornament

Quilted Star Christmas Ornament

I love Christmas, like really LOVE Christmas! I love everything about it! It’s the time of year when almost everyone believes that miracles can happen and it feels like there is magic in the air. By far one of my favorite things about Christmas time is tree ornaments. I think this stems back to my childhood when we would make ornaments every year for our Christmas tree. So, I have maintained this tradition as I’ve gotten older and absolutely love giving away handmade ornaments. The reaction I get when I give my unique ornaments is always overwhelmingly positive!

This quilted Christmas ornament is so awesome because it looks like a little quilt (so cute). The best part of this project is you don’t really need a lot of material to make it so you could use scraps from your material stash! Of course this typically doesn’t happen for me because I always tend to want new material (my bank account sighs).

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What You Need!

Supplies for Quilted Ornament

Important Info!

When printing the sewing pattern PDF make sure to adjust the print settings. After you click on the print button in the PDF the printer dialog box will come up. On this screen you want to change the default zoom page size to be Actual Size. If you don’t change this setting then the pattern will print smaller than intended (so sad!).

Click Actual Size For Printing

Are You A Visual Learner?

If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the quilted star Christmas ornament video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!

What To Cut!

FYI! You could totally use three different colors for this ornament but I just used 2 making layer 1 and layer 3 the same color.

  • 8 squares for layer 1 (center)
  • 16 squares for layer 2 (middle layer)
  • 16 squares for layer 3 (outside layer)
  • 2 squares of layer 1 material to cover center of foam ball
Cut Squares for Quilted Ornament

What To Do!

To begin the quilted star Christmas ornament you need to download the free printable pattern from The Pattern Stash and cut out all your squares. Then find the center of the foam ball.

Find the Center of Foam Ball

Cover the center with a square of material of layer 1. This insures that you don’t see the white of the foam ball after you add your squares.

Cover Center of Foam Ball

FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the quilted star Christmas ornament tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!

Fold the first square of layer 1 in half.

Fold Square In Half

Then fold the square in half again. Finger press to create a crease.

Fold Square Again

Insert a dressmaker pin in the center of the square.

Place a Pin In Center of Square

Attach square into the center of the foam ball.

Insert Into the Center of Foam Ball

Fold down square and hold with fingers.

Fold Square Down

Next, fold right side of square down to create a triangle and pin.

Fold the Edge of Square and Pin

Are You A Visual Learner?

If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the quilted star Christmas ornament video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!

Fold other side of square down to create a triangle and pin.

Repeat For Other Side of Square

This is what the first square should look like. You don’t have to pin the other two edges of the square yet. When will pin those after all four squares of the first layer are finished. This helps keep the bulk down.

First Square Placed

Add the next square of layer 1 exactly across from the first square.

Two Squares Placed for First Layer

Then, add the next square of layer 1.

Three Squares Placed for First Layer

Then add the final square of layer 1.

Four Squares Placed For First Layer

Pin the open edges of layer 1. I wait until now to pin the edges because you can use just 1 pin per two edges and help reduce bulk.

Pin Down The Edges Of First Layer

FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the quilted star Christmas ornament tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!

Are You A Visual Learner?

If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the quilted star Christmas ornament video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!

Measure 1/2 inch down from the tip of the first layer triangle and pin the first square of layer 2. Make sure to stay in the middle line of the first triangle.

Add First Square For Second Layer

Repeat for the other three triangles of the first layer.

Pin The Edges of Squares for Second Layer
Four Squares Placed For Second Layer

Measure 1/2 inch down from center of foam ball and add a square in the “ditch” of the first layer triangles.

Add Last Squares For Second Layer

Repeat for other three squares for layer 2.

Finished Second Layer

Measure 1/2 inch down from the tip of the layer 2’s “bottom” triangle and pin the first square of layer 3. Make sure to stay in the middle line of the triangle from layer 2.

Add Square For Next Layer

Are You A Visual Learner?

If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the quilted star Christmas ornament video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!

Repeat for the other three “bottom” triangles of the second layer.

Four Squares Placed for Last Layer

Then add squares to the “upper” triangles from the second layer.

All Layers Finished For First Side

Find the center of the other side of the foam ball and repeat the above steps. Try to make sure your triangles of the first layer are placed in the same direction as the first layer on the other side so the last layers will match when complete.

Find The Center of Second Side

FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the quilted star Christmas ornament tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!

After both sides are finished, trim away the excess material on the raw edge. Do you see how my triangles match each other? This is because I made sure my first layer on the second side was positioned the same way as the first layer on the first side.

Raw Edges of After Placing All Layers

Then pin down the beginning of the ribbon.

Place Pins In the End of Ribbon

Next, run the ribbon down the raw edge of the ornament making sure to cover all the pins. This is the time to move pins of the last layer if they can’t be hidden.

Take Ribbon and Cover Raw Edges

Are You A Visual Learner?

If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the quilted star Christmas ornament video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!

When you get to the top of your quilted Christmas ornament make a 7 1/2 inch loop in your ribbon and use decorative pins to attach to the ball.

Insert Decorative Pins Into Ribbon

Then add decorative pins to the two sides and the bottom of the ornament. This is to hold the ribbon in place. You could use hot glue for this instead of the pins but I think the pins look nicer and you don’t have to worry about the glue bleeding through the ribbon.

Insert Pins Into the Side of Ornament

Then insert the upholstery tacks in the center of the ornament on both sides and you’re done! If you can’t find upholstery tacks that you like don’t fret! You could totally use the decorative pins here or anything that has a sharp point.

Finished Quilted Ornament

So, here are some of the other quilted Christmas ornaments that I have made! As you will notice some of them don’t use ribbon to cover the raw edge but use coordinating material instead. I also didn’t use the upholstery tacks on some of them.

Different Styles of Quilted Ornament

This is one of my favorite ornaments to make because it’s so versatile and be customized by using different material!

Would you like a printer friendly PDF of the quilted star Christmas ornament tutorial that prints without ads? Then head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop!

Corinne Name With Heart

Are You A Visual Learner?

If so, then you’re in luck! Check out the quilted star Christmas ornament video tutorial to see it made from start to finish!

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Quilted Star Christmas Ornament

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24 thoughts on “Quilted Star Christmas Ornament”

  1. I used to make these decades ago, and my favorite was to use 2″ styro balls, smaller squares and reduced the measurement for pinning. There must have been at least 2 dozen of the 2″ size on my tree along with the other various ornaments and friends asked for sets for their trees. They make lovely gifts!

    Thank you for reminding me of this fun craft that I haven’t done in many years, maybe it’s time to start making them again!

    1. I love these ornaments because they are so easy to make! I seriously make them while I’m watching TV!

  2. This is a great pattern! I am glad I found your site! Thank you for making it so easy to read and for having a lot of picture to follow along with! 🙂

  3. Thank you! We will do this in our ladies’ group. Toward the end of your instructions, you started to use the word “needles” instead of “pins.” There are no needles in this project. 😉

  4. Beautiful, gorgeous, mesmerizing! Thank you for sharing! Just a quick question. What size do you cut your squares? You make it look so easy. Well, I’m going to give it my best effort once I find out what size squares to cut. You have been blessed with such talent and you’re giving us a blessing for sharing with us. Thank you!

    1. Thank you! I’m so glad you like the tutorial. If you are wanting a printed pattern for the ornament you can go to itssocorinney.com/the-pattern-stash or if you are wanting to use the rotary the squares are 3×3. Happy crafting!

  5. I just joined so I could get the pattern for the quilted star ornament. The link does not work for me. I can watch the tutorial, but I need to know what size to cut the squares. It looks like 3×3″, but I’m not sure.

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