Christmas time has always been a magical time for my family. Growing up my parents were great about making Christmas a season to remember. Every year we would do a slew of different Christmas activities like go look at lights while eating ice cream (we’re Texans), seeing Santa, and of course watching every Christmas movie we own. Some of my most cherished memories of Christmas was when we would make homemade ornaments for the tree. I loved how every year when we pulled down the Christmas decorations we would have all the past years ornaments and our tree would tell our family story!
This tradition is one that I have kept alive even as I’ve gotten older. It’s funny that it means just as much to me today as it did growing up! So, every year I make a new ornament for my tree! This year I wanted to make something that was fabric and wouldn’t take a lot of time to make. So, I opted for a variation of the Quilted Star Christmas Ornament. However, instead of folding the squares into points for the spiral Christmas ornament I cut rectangles and squares and folded them lengthwise.
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What You Need!
- 3 Inch Foam Ball
- Quilting Cotton – 2 Colors
- Dressmaker Pins Size #17 1 1/16 Inch
- Glue Gun
- Glue Sticks
- Beaded or Decorative Pins
- 5/8 Inch Ribbon
- Free #13 ~ Spiral Ornament Printable Pattern ~ Available in my pattern stash! Head on down to the bottom of the page, fill out the form, and instantly receive an email with the password!
FYI! This ornament could totally be made with only one color. I just chose to use two colors because I love the way the spiral looks. The ornament would also be super cute with three colors!
What To Cut!
Color A – Bethlehem Star
- Pattern Pieces 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 (Cut 4)
- Pattern Piece 7 (Cut 1)
Color B – Gold Chevron
- Pattern Pieces 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 (Cut 4)
TIP! After I use my rotary to cut everything I like to organize all the squares and rectangles by size to make it easier when you are adding them to the ornament. I also like to pre-fold the pieces lengthwise to save time later!
What To Do!
To begin the spiral fabric Christmas ornament you need to download the free pattern from The Pattern Stash and cut it out. Once everything is cut find and mark the center of the foam ball. Then fold one of the 1 x 1 squares in Color A in half and place it with folded sided toward pin. Then pin the left side of the square down.
Without moving the Color A square, lift up the right side of the square and lay down one of the folded Color B squares under the right side. Make sure that the folded part of the square is facing the center of the ball (where my pin is).
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the spiral fabric Christmas ornament tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
Pin down the right side of the Color A square down on top of the Color B square. Don’t pin the right side of the Color B square because we will be placing the next square under it.
Now we are going to repeat what we just did with the first two squares. Lift up the right side of the Color B square and lay down a folded Color A square and pin the Color B square down on top of it.
Last square of round 1! Pin the last Color B square under the Color A square. Pin down both sides of the Color B square because it’s the last one of the round.
Here is the first round completed! See how it looks like the squares are weaved together in the center? So cute!
To begin the second round fold one of the Color B 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 squares in half. Place the square 1/2 inch down from center of the first round squares. Now you want to place the Color B square of round 2 on top of the Color B square from round 1. This will start the spiral for the ornament! Pin down only the left side of the square.
Center the Color A square on top of the Color A square of the last round. Pin the left side of the square then lay down the Color B square on top and pin.
Repeat the process for the next Color B square.
Next, add the last Color A square of round 2. Pin both sides of the last square. Now round 2 is in the bag!
Do you see where the two Color A and Color B squares intersect from the last round? This is where we will add the first Color B 2 x 2 square 1/2 inch down from this intersection. Make sure you place the Color B square to the right of the last round Color B square. If you don’t it won’t end up being a spiral (so sad). Pin only the left side of square.
Place the Color A square 1/2 inch down from intersection of the two squares from previous round. Pin down the Color B square on top of the Color A square and leave the right side unpinned.
Repeat the process with the next Color B square.
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the spiral fabric Christmas ornament tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
Add the last Color A square of round 3 and pin both sides of the square. Look how you can already see the spiral starting!
For round 4 take one of the Color B 2 1/2 x 2 rectangles and fold it lengthwise. Pin only the left side of the rectangle 1/2 inch down from the intersection of the two squares from last round.
Place the first Color A rectangle and pin only the left side of the rectangle. Then place the Color B square on top and pin down.
Place the next Color B rectangle and pin under the Color A rectangle that we left unpinned.
And to finish up round 4 you will add one more Color A rectangle and pin down on both sides.
On to round 5! Take your first Color B 2 3/4 x 2 inch rectangle and fold it lengthwise. Place 1/2 inch down from the intersection of the two rectangles of the last round (sound familiar?). Pin the left side of the rectangle.
Place the first Color A rectangle under the Color B rectangle and pin down left side.
Do the same thing for the next Color B rectangle.
Add the last Color A rectangle of round 5 and pin both sides.
Round 5 is complete! Only one more round to go! Can you guess what the directions will be? Yep, exactly like all the previous rounds!
Take the first Color B 3 x 1 1/2 rectangle and fold it lengthwise. Pin the rectangle 1/2 from the intersection of the two rectangles from the last round.
Take the first Color A rectangle and pin the left side.
Repeat for the next Color B rectangle.
Add the last Color A rectangle and pin both sides.
Woo-hoo! Round 6 is finished which means that one side of the ornament is done! Now, find the center of the other side of the foam ball and repeat the previous steps to create your spiral fabric Christmas ornament.
Once you have both sides complete you will create a band to cover the raw edges. Take the 11 x 2 band you cut from the Color A material and press the two sides toward the center. If you have ever made bias tape then this is the same principle.
Make sure to really press the band to ensure that it stays closed. Here is the front of my band after I pressed the heck out of it!
FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the spiral fabric Christmas ornament tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!
You may need to trim the raw edges of both sides of the ornament to ensure they don’t extend past the band you just made. Pin the band at the end then glue down using your hot glue gun. Make sure to pull the band tight around the ball as you glue it.
Continue gluing until you get back to the beginning of the band.
Fold the band under and glue down. You may have to cut your band shorter before you turn under.
Look the band is all done!
Next, cut your ribbon 19 1/2 inches long. Then pin the end of the ribbon with straight pins.
Run the ribbon all the way around the ball right on top of the band. When you get back to the beginning fold the ribbon back onto itself.
Make a loop with the ribbon and place the raw edge under the folded part of the ribbon you just made. Make sure that your loop isn’t twisted before you pin down!
Insert your decorative pearlized pin into the ribbon through all layers. Now, I couldn’t find any pearlized pins to match the color of my material. So, instead I used glass beads that I had left over from the Glass Bead Ornament and put them on the end of the plain needles.
Insert two more decorative pins down the seam of the ribbon. Oh look how cute it looks!
This is totally optional but I insert decorative pins into the two sides and bottom of the ornament. I feel like this helps the ribbon to stay put and makes it look super snazzy (smug smile).
Once you’ve inserted your decorative pins you’re all done!
When I made these I was making multiples as gifts (because I’m nice like that!). Trust me homemade ornaments make AMAZING Christmas gifts!
Once completed your ornament is ready to place onto your tree!
Here is a different version of the spiral Christmas ornament pattern. Instead of only using 6 rounds per side of the ornament I used 10! I placed the layers super close together because I was trying to get a rose effect (I’m a HUGE Beauty and The Beast fan). I absolutely LOVE the way it turned out!
This spiral Christmas ornament pattern turned out so cute and is so versatile! I’m already thinking of all the ways I could tweak the colors to make different patterns. What colors will you try with your spiral fabric Christmas ornament? Oh……. the possibilities are endless!
Would you like a printer friendly PDF of the spiral fabric Christmas ornament tutorial that prints without ads? Then head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop!

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I would like to get the pdf pattern. There is no link to it. Is there something else I need to do? Thanks.
All you have to do is sign up for the email list and instantly get the password to The Pattern Stash! I know you are going to love making this ornament!
I am looking forward to making this ornament
I’m so glad! I know that you’re going to love it!
Thank you so much for sharing this pattern. I have looked for it for a while,
You’re so welcome!