DIY Pattern Weights Sewing Tutorial

DIY Pattern Weights

I have a love/hate relationship with sewing straight pins. Obviously, I LOVE how they hold all of your fabric, interfacing, and patterns in place while you cut or sew. However, there is a feature about straight pins that I absolutely HATE. If you guessed that they’re sharp you’d be right! I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve poked myself with straight pins and once I jammed one under my fingernail (so painful)! Another thing that straight pins have against them is that they can damage sensitive material such as faux leather, plastic, or vinyl.

So, I get that there are times when you absolutely have to use straight pins in sewing. BUT I also know that there are perfect instances where fabric pattern weights would work better. To be honest this is not a new revelation I’ve just never really gotten around to making any. So, I told myself this is the time to come up with a super cute DIY pattern weight to use when straight pins don’t make sense. I wanted to make something that looked like the vintage toy Weebles but when these cute pattern weights were finished they looked more like a Hershey’s Kiss (I’m cool with that as long as they are the almond kind!).

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What You Need!

FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the DIY pattern weights tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!


  • All sewing is done with a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
  • The finished size of these pattern weights are 2 1/4 inches tall and 2 inches wide.

Important Info!

When printing the sewing pattern PDF make sure to adjust the print settings. After you click on the print button in the PDF the printer dialog box will come up. On this screen you want to change the default zoom page size to be Actual Size. If you don’t change this setting then the pattern will print smaller then intended (so sad!).

Click Actual Size For Printing

What To Do!

To begin the DIY pattern weights you need to download the free pattern from The Pattern Stash. Before you cut the pattern pieces out of the canvas fabric press the fusible interfacing to the back of the fabric. Then cut out the side and base patterns out of the fabric that has the interfacing on it. The tab pattern gets cut out of a non-interfacing piece of fabric.

Add Interfacing To Wrong Side Of Fabric

Next, press the tab piece in half lengthwise with wrong sides touching.

Fold Tab In Half Lengthways For DIY Pattern Weights

Then open up the tab piece and push the two sides towards the center and press.

Fold Tab Sides To The Middle And Press

Next, fold the tab piece back together and press.

Fold Tab Together And Press For DIY Pattern Weights

Then top stitch down both long sides of the tab.

Sew Down Both Sides Of Tab

FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the DIY pattern weights tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!

Next, fold the tab in half and pin on the flat side of the half circle 1 1/4 inch from the right side edge.

Add Tab to Flat Side Of Half Circle For DIY Pattern Weights

Then fold the half circle in half and pin. Make sure to move the tab pin once you have the top pin inserted or your machine could hit it.

Fold Half Circle In Half

Next, sew across the flat side of the side piece. I like to sew it at least twice for added strength.

Sew Across The Flat Side

Then carefully cut off the tip of the triangle being sure to not cut the seam.

Cut Off Corner Without Cutting The Seam

Next, flip your cute DIY pattern weight right side out. Then move the seam to the center like shown below and finger press flat.

Move Seam To Center And Finger Press Flat

Next, flip the pattern weight to the front and trim the back piece to be even with the front piece.

Flip Pattern Weight To the Other Side

FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the DIY pattern weights tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!

This is what it should look like after trimming.

Trim Off Back Piece Of DIY Pattern Weight To Match The Front Side

Then flip your side piece back wrong side out. Then fold the side piece in half one way then in half the other way to make marks where 1/4 of the side is. You could also measure but I’m not a huge fan of measuring.

Finger Press Side Piece Of DIY Pattern Weight Into Fourths

Next, fold the base circle in half then in half again. This will create marks where 1/4 of the circle is located.

Fold Circle Into Fours

Then match up the 1/4 marks on the sides of the DIY pattern weight to the base. I like to really over pin so nothing slips! Please note that the side piece is slightly smaller than the base which is totally intentional!

Pin Side Piece To Bottom Piece

Next, sew around the edge of the pattern weight leaving a 1/2 inch turning hole. Make sure to put the turning hole towards the back of the weight but not where the side seam is located.

Sew Around DIY Pattern Weight Leaving A Turing Hole

FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the DIY pattern weights tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!

Then take your scissors and point cut around the pattern weight except where the turning hole is. Make sure to not cut any of your stitches!

Make Little Snips Around DIY Pattern Weight

Next, flip the pattern weight right side out using the turning hole.

Turn Right Side Out Through Turning Hole

Then press out all of the seams of the DIY pattern weight really well! I use a plastic chopstick to do this.

Push Out All Seams Of DIY Pattern Weight

Next, fold under the turning hole towards the inside of the pattern weight.

Fold The Two Sides Of The Turning Hole Inside

FYI! Did you know you can get a printer friendly PDF of the DIY pattern weights tutorial that prints without ads? Just head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop and check it out!

Then using a funnel put rice or bean bag pellets into your pattern weight. I like to add as much as I can possible fit so the pattern weight is super sturdy.

Add Rice Into Pattern Weights Using A Funnel

Next, you just need to whipstitch the turning hole closed and you’re all done!

Hand Sew Turning Hole Closed

So, I love these little DIY pattern weights so much I made one in every color of canvas fabric I had on hand! And……. to keep them together I just slipped a mini carabiner hook through the tabs and now they will never be far away from each other!

Can Use A Mini Carabiner Hook To Hold DIY Pattern Weights Together

Now aren’t these a cute and easy way of holding patterns and sensitive fabrics down? These little guys are so handy to have around I even use them as paper weights while I’m working in the office!

Would you like a printer friendly PDF of the DIY pattern weights tutorial that prints without ads? Then head over to The It’s So Corinney Shop!

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DIY Pattern Weights Sewing Tutorial & Free Download

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